What Clients Have to Say

If you ever wondered what it is like to get a session with Tammy, watch this video where Debbie talks about what her personal experience was, how her life changed, and what spontaneous healings she experienced.

For more information, contact info@tammydemirza.com


"Tammy, I am so grateful for YOU!! I started the year getting through the daily grind, doing what others expected, not tending to me, unaware of postpartum issues and simply put...how out of alignment I was. I was reading books, trying Reiki, yoga, and whatever I could do to feel better. But nothing was really doing the trick. It all felt like bandaids. Then the pandemic hit and everything changed. I was finally in a place that I could slow down and sit with myself and contemplate more about everything. I signed up for the Confusion to Clarity Six-Weeks Program, then I felt as though the work had really begun and I started being able to open up and dive deep to finally rid myself of all the baggage I was carrying. The work we did was life changing. My perspective has changed, what I know as truth has changed, how I love myself has changed, EVERYTHING has changed. I find myself really enjoying present moments more deeply and truthfully then I ever thought possible. I am actually looking forward to the holidays which is something I haven't said since I was a little girl. I now believe I have the power to overcome so much more and that there is so much more out there for me. I know our work isn't done yet and I can't wait to continue our work together."




"Tammy, this year I am grateful for you! Since our conversation my whole mindset has changed once again. Just to put things into perspective, I have a car now, after not having one for almost 2 years due to repossession. I'm not worrying about how bills will be paid and whenever I need something I ask the universe and it comes to me. I am on a better path of deliberate creation and I wouldn't be here without you. You are truly a light in this world and I am grateful to have you walk this planet at the same time. Even listening to you yesterday on the workshop it reminded me of how grateful I am to know you and it makes me strive to be better."




"Tammy De Mirza™️ is a Godsend. She’s the real deal when it comes to intuitive healing. I was directed to her by a dear friend during a most difficult transitional time in my life. Tammy was able to untangle my situation and bring clarity using her uncanny visionary talents. The word that comes to mind is “magical.” When our hour long session was over I knew I’d received more emotional and physical healing than what I could have achieved in 5+ years of the traditional healing methods I’ve used in the past. I was completely amazed. I’m beyond grateful to have found her and I look forward to working with her and healing with her in the future."


North Carolina


"Tammy is an amazing intuitive. I have just had a few sessions with her but every session leaves me with a lot of transformative material. She is very wise and intuitive and she shares that generously. Her level of integrity is admirable and she is an inspiration to everyone following their life purpose."



"I want you to know that yesterday my body felt the best it's felt in YEARS. Even after all the meals of things I'm "not supposed to eat"! It is light, it is digesting! It feels cleaner, every bit of it, on the deepest of levels! Even the mold feels like it's lifted. I am so incredibly grateful for you!!! Thank you Thank you!! I'm also super stoked about what's to come and I remind myself that was just ONE session... what would two look like?! Amazing stuff! Straight up blessings! I love you!"




"If you're ready to make a serious life change, Tammy is for you. She guides you with patience and love. She covered me with a sweetness that to this day has not left me. I feel protected and that she walks with me. The light that radiates from her eyes drills to the core of your soul. She's not one to play with, though. She means business. Make sure you're ready for change, because it will happen. If you get a chance, read her book, The Inmate and the Medium. I love, Tammy. She is a professional woman. Be ready to step up your game and level-up."




"I feel very fortunate to have mentored with Tammy De Mirza™️. She made her way into my life at a time of befuddlement and confusion. She presented critical insight to my nature and offered very supportive guidance to my many quandaries. She has helped me to integrate monumental realizations that have catapulted me into understanding my power. After just one session, I could identify clear shifts in my energy and awareness, and my potential began gaining momentum. I was connecting more deeply to my higher self and my gifts were beginning to make themselves known. She is a true alchemist in her work and I am forever grateful for our time working together."




"For as long as I’ve known my wife, there was something that I never fully understood but clearly felt she was dealing with. At first, I thought it was just the emotional unease that comes with change, getting married, switching jobs, having children and basic ups and downs. Over time I came to understand that while she did her best to assure me she was fine, this was only a mask hiding the battle she was waging with deep rooted issues. When my wife told me about her plan to start working with Tammy De Mirza™️ to unravel what she was dealing with I was guardedly optimistic, I hoped for the best while preparing for status quo. I truly wasn’t prepared for just how impactful the Life Transformation Program was for her and ultimately to myself, I saw a shift in her quality of life almost immediately. It’s now been months since she started her journey with Tammy, and every day I see improvements to her outlook on life, renewed vigor to pursue her dreams and most importantly a consistent temperament to life, in hindsight I can honestly say she is a new person which I’m just now meeting for the first time in our lives. I can’t thank Tammy enough for the changed she’s made in my wife’s life and ultimately us as a family."




“Tammy, you are an inspiration. You send information and respond to texts and say just what we need to hear. Your words heal, because they come from your heart and when they do, they are truly felt and it becomes a healing. So, thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of my life. I love you so so much and want you to know you are my hero."




"When I met Tammy, I was very confused about why my husband would have and affair and leave me and our family for what appeared on the surface to be a much worse situation. She helped me to understand what was really going on between us that I was not aware of and how the relationship was no longer serving me. Tammy also explained why it had deteriorated and she helped me to take responsibility for the decisions (known and unknown) I was making in my life to position me for the next stage. Because of our work together, I have been able to fully forgive my ex-husband and help my son to do so. We now have the best relationship we have ever had. For the first time we have a completely honest relationship where we just love each other, although we do not want to be married. This has been a wonderful gift to ourselves and our families and I feel we will be friends for the rest of our lives. He has been there for me in ways he was never there for me when we were "officially together."


North Carolina


" Dearest Tammy, I just wanted to thank you for who and what you are in my life. I don't think that most people understand how dramatically your life can change when there is someone like you, who lovingly penetrates and gets to the bottom of the issues that hold us back, even if we never knew they existed, all from your unique spiritual insights. It is almost like you are a super Psychiatrist or Psychotherapist who can perform emotional surgery with laser precision to identify, clarify, and help us to forgive in order to heal for peace of mind and true happiness..."




"Tammy... it was amazingly great to meet you! You are a wonderful example to me of a near perfect blend of warm compassion and confident insight into what's going on. Now there's a mouthful... Thanks for living your authentic self and giving us insights on how to become more and more of our true selves."




“Tammy, I just want to thank you for your reading the other night. After listening to the recording, I have found so much clarity. I am sure I will uncover even more truths and enlightenment the more I listen to it. WOW. I have felt “lighter”, though stronger since then. I have been honoring myself through my higher being. I do not want to slip back into old habits, because that is easy for me to do, therefore I will be contacting you soon for a follow-up/mentoring. Namaste”


North Carolina


"Oh my God in heaven! I just listened to the recording and have some clue now of what you were trying to tell me. So powerful, that I have no words…Thank you very much from deep in my heart!”




“Before going to bed, wanted to send you a cyber-hug, and a note of appreciation for your strength and courage to transcend the baggage we carry and BE who you are here to BE… an amazing woman, friend and Light worker…. I am so grateful our paths crossed, for my incredible reading…”




“My brain is still tight after this afternoon’s powerful session… No one could grasp the depth of the session unless they were in the process of seriously looking within! You are free! Kite tail unhitched! Thank you for allowing the Divine Currents to flow through you.”




“Last night’s Awareness Gathering was wonderful. They all are! The messages are becoming deeper and more profound. It feels like a little more of the fog clears from my spiritual view each week… When the Guides step in and teach us difficult concepts, they are never-the-less gentle and loving. Thank you for your commitment to your growth and ours! You are so loved!”




“I wanted to let you know that your classes, healings, mentoring session, etc. has unequivocally changed my life. Tammy, thank you for being so brave, courageous, trusting and being so connected to God that through you, I have sky rocketed to new realms of change, love and light … Thank you for coming into my life.”




“I again want to thank you for your weekly sessions … last night was “off the map” … and “lit me up” with awareness and love. Your Love my dear comes pouring out to everyone and to witness your growth … pours right into our laps … for us to gather into our own consciousness to delight in … as truly... We are all one!”




“I am grateful for you and your gifts…The split is gone and I feel my heart is open more… I have been uncovering more truth of sexual abuse in my childhood and releasing the energy around it. I’m seeing the beliefs I made when I was a very little girl and see how some of them were based on lies… kids perceptions are not always based in reality … I remain open to my process and the healing… Much love to you.”




"Just a note to thank you for all you do to help us in the Awareness Gatherings. I appreciate the affirmations and exercises which empower each of us to open our hearts to the loving energy in us… You are teaching us to take care of ourselves and each other which, I think, is our mission here. All that I have learned and been taught in, you intuitively do. I love to watch you zero in on the healing needed at the moment… You intuitively know that when the emotion is flowing, the subconscious is wide open to receiving powerful healing. I particularly the shamanistic methods you use. Learning from that, I find I am far more relaxed and willing to allow Spirit to direct me. This cannot be taught or understood, only experienced. Thank you so much for the gift of your presence among us.”



“Thank you for listening to your heart. You are truly a Masterful, Guardian, Healing Angel. I know you pay a price for this gift, but Tammy, you truly are where you are supposed to be. How blessed we are, (I Am) to see and witness the amazing gift of your connection to the spiritual world. Bless you Tammy... I love you”




“You are certainly helping people have some fabulous healings and breakthroughs! I’m proud of you and your continued growth on this most interesting path!!!”




"After reading about a healing that took place on a nine year old who the Dr.’s had given up on and called the family in and they called upon me and she was miraculously healed) “This is sooo incredible! It is also such an inspiration to me and everybody else, I am sure. You have come into our lives for a purpose and I’m so thankful. I have learned so much from you. I had to let you know that I love you so much and thank you for being such a blessing to myself and everybody in this community.”




"WOW! What an amazing evening. I am always so deeply touched of how each class is so different, so filled with creative energy flowing through each of us as we truly see Holy Shift happen in everyone present. You can see, feel and sense Spirit touching everyone's heart and see it open like a Lotus blossom... OMG. You are truly a blessing to each of us my dear. I so honor all the work and sacrifice you have to live with on a daily basis to be this vessel of love and consciousness of what it is you do so well. I honor you and bless you for being just you, my dear angel... Thank you for being the instrument and conduit to all of us as you assist us in cleansing and clearing to make us aware of our true higher selves."
