Feeling stuck, powerless and out of control?

If this is you, then you are ready to take charge, get the clarity you need and end the victim story that has been ruining your life.

Welcome to The Power to Choose Program™️

For an entire year, you will receive emails with instructions and videos bi-weekly that can help you build the clarity needed to do the following:

  • Make better decisions and minimize distractions.
  • ​Build the inner strength to say “No”.
  • Develop a more self-caring attitude.
  • Reduce stress and drama.
  • Awaken your inner WARRIOR.
  • Recognize self-destructive patterns and know how to change them.
  • Better understand your emotions, and so much more.

​If any of the points mentioned above ring true to you and you are looking to make the changes that you always wanted to make, but never had the courage and the clarity to do it, then make The Power to Choose Program™️ your daily companion.

​Once you sign up, you will start to receive inspirational content sent directly to you every other week, so you have your own personal coach to make the choices and decisions that will impact your life forever and for better.

THEN, as a bonus, you will also get access to a private Power to Choose Facebook group where you can ask questions, get answers and insights from other students as well as from Tammy.

The Inspiration

​Tammy De Mirza™️, the creator of The Breakthrough Alchemist® , created The Power to Choose™️ twelve-month program to help you create the freedom you desire. Each email with video you receive throughout the year is filled with practical, intuitive advice on how to use the power of self-reflection, answer questions you may have and challenge yourself each day to live a more fulfilled life.

Using regularly what Tammy shared in this program will help you become more aware of what your life is showing you and will teach you how to make real changes in your own life, as it did her own.

Make the Power to Choose Program, your daily companion that helps you see that which you want to change.

For those of you who are ready to compliment your Power to Choose self-learning program with a three day one-on-one Life Transformation Program™️ with Tammy, please click here.

We hope you enjoy this program. We would love to know how you have changed your life. Please, write us at info@tammydemirza.com.